
This is a detailed code-through designed to familiarize the Business with:

  • Market Basket Analysis
  • Recommend products based on customer’s cart.
  • Customer Behavior
    • Do customers purchase items together frequently?
    • Understand what customers buy.
  • Recommendations based on their similarity to what customers normally buy.

Market Basket Analysis Strategies

Market Basket Analysis (also called Affinity Analysis) is the process of discovering relationships between individuals and the products that they purchase. It’s an excellent way to better understand customer buying habits (think likelihood of a clothing purchase based on similarity to other customers in retail) and to create product recommendations (think Netflix ratings-based movie recommendations). There are several common methods to perform Market Basket Analysis each with strengths and weaknesses including:

  • Collaborative Filtering
  • Association Rules
  • Item Popularity
  • Content-Based Filtering
  • Hybrid Models

Click the tabs below to learn more about each method.

Collaborative Filtering

Collaborative Filtering is uses mathematical similarities to determine the likelihood of product purchases. Two strategies are employed: (1) user-based (e.g. customers) or (2) item-based (e.g. products). Both methodologies start with a ratings matrix, which is simply the users (rows) by the items (columns). Similarity is typically performed using Cosine similarity or Jaccard similarity.

User-based collaborative filtering (UBCF) investigates similarities between the users market basket to find other users with similar baskets, then developing probabilities of items based on the highest probability products. Note that this method disregards the item-based similarities.

Item-based collaboartive filtering (IBCF) investigates similarities between items that are frequently purchased together. Note that this method disregards the user-based similarities.

Association Rules

Association Rules: Association Rules are widely used to analyze retail basket or transaction data, and are intended to identify strong rules discovered in transaction data using measures of interestingness, based on the concept of strong rules. [^1] Rules between two items purchased are developed using three metrics: “Support”, “Confidence”, and “Lift”:

  • Support is the probability of two items co-occurring. P(Item1 & Item2)
  • Confidence is the Support divided by the probability of purchasing the second item. Support / P(Item2)
  • Lift is the Confidence divided by the probability of purchasing the first item. Confidence / P(Item1)

When combined, the items most likely to be purchased is that with the highest association Lift. The method is fast and works well by analyzing items most frequently purchased together. One downside is it doesn’t consider the user’s purchase history.

Content-Based Filtering

Content-Based Filtering evaluates the past history of a purchaser to develop probability of future purchases. This method can be useful in discovering key user preferences such as what he/she tends to purchase at which time of day or day of week. The method requires detailed knowledge of past history. If this is unavailable, a similar user profile (e.g. based on demographic information) can be used in place of detailed history.

Hybrid Models

Hybrid Models are often an “ensemble” of multiple approaches that leverage the strengths of various modeling approaches. A typical ensemble may include both user-based and item-based collaborative filtering to mine both user and item based similarities along with content-based filtering that leverages the history of the customer’s purchases. The resulting model is often better than any one of the models.


In this analysis, I developed several models using Collaborative Filtering, Association Rules, and Popularity modeling strategies, which are easily generated and compared using the recommenderlab package.


Load the following libraries.


# Interactive visualization
# Visualizing association rules and frequent item sets 

# Recommender algorithms

# Evaluate association rules 


The Instacart dataset is open sourced as discussed in this article by Instacart. In addition, a Kaggle Competition was run in 2016-2017, which further promoted use of the Instacart dataset among the Data Science Community.

The Instacart Dataset contains a number of interesting features that can be further analyzed including departments, aisles, reordering habits, and so on. In this analysis will focus on Market Basket, which is the contents of individual orders (i.e. order_id and product_name).

Here are the element names for the data (tibbles) stored in instacart_raw_list.


orders <- vroom("data/orders.csv", delim = ",")
## # A tibble: 3,421,083 x 7
##    order_id user_id eval_set order_number order_dow order_hour_of_d~
##       <dbl>   <dbl> <chr>           <dbl>     <dbl> <chr>           
##  1  2539329       1 prior               1         2 08              
##  2  2398795       1 prior               2         3 07              
##  3   473747       1 prior               3         3 12              
##  4  2254736       1 prior               4         4 07              
##  5   431534       1 prior               5         4 15              
##  6  3367565       1 prior               6         2 07              
##  7   550135       1 prior               7         1 09              
##  8  3108588       1 prior               8         1 14              
##  9  2295261       1 prior               9         1 16              
## 10  2550362       1 prior              10         4 08              
## # ... with 3,421,073 more rows, and 1 more variable:
## #   days_since_prior_order <dbl>

Orders product

order_products_train <- vroom("data/order_products__train.csv", delim = ",")
## # A tibble: 1,384,617 x 4
##    order_id product_id add_to_cart_order reordered
##       <dbl>      <dbl>             <dbl>     <dbl>
##  1        1      49302                 1         1
##  2        1      11109                 2         1
##  3        1      10246                 3         0
##  4        1      49683                 4         0
##  5        1      43633                 5         1
##  6        1      13176                 6         0
##  7        1      47209                 7         0
##  8        1      22035                 8         1
##  9       36      39612                 1         0
## 10       36      19660                 2         1
## # ... with 1,384,607 more rows


products <- vroom("data/products.csv", delim = ",")
## # A tibble: 49,688 x 4
##    product_id product_name                                aisle_id department_id
##         <dbl> <chr>                                          <dbl>         <dbl>
##  1          1 Chocolate Sandwich Cookies                        61            19
##  2          2 All-Seasons Salt                                 104            13
##  3          3 Robust Golden Unsweetened Oolong Tea              94             7
##  4          4 Smart Ones Classic Favorites Mini Rigatoni~       38             1
##  5          5 Green Chile Anytime Sauce                          5            13
##  6          6 Dry Nose Oil                                      11            11
##  7          7 Pure Coconut Water With Orange                    98             7
##  8          8 Cut Russet Potatoes Steam N' Mash                116             1
##  9          9 Light Strawberry Blueberry Yogurt                120            16
## 10         10 Sparkling Orange Juice & Prickly Pear Beve~      115             7
## # ... with 49,678 more rows


aisles <- vroom("data/aisles.csv", delim = ",")
## # A tibble: 134 x 2
##    aisle_id aisle                     
##       <dbl> <chr>                     
##  1        1 prepared soups salads     
##  2        2 specialty cheeses         
##  3        3 energy granola bars       
##  4        4 instant foods             
##  5        5 marinades meat preparation
##  6        6 other                     
##  7        7 packaged meat             
##  8        8 bakery desserts           
##  9        9 pasta sauce               
## 10       10 kitchen supplies          
## # ... with 124 more rows


departments <- vroom("data/departments.csv", delim = ",")
## # A tibble: 21 x 2
##    department_id department     
##            <dbl> <chr>          
##  1             1 frozen         
##  2             2 other          
##  3             3 bakery         
##  4             4 produce        
##  5             5 alcohol        
##  6             6 international  
##  7             7 beverages      
##  8             8 pets           
##  9             9 dry goods pasta
## 10            10 bulk           
## # ... with 11 more rows

Combining market basket from "order_products__prior" and the "products" data. We can see that it’s 32.4M rows, which is a lot of data to deal with. Creating a recommender with this size data set would be a lot to handle.

CRISP-DM / BSPF Data Science Process

We’ll follow the combined BSPF / CRISP-DM data science framework. For brevity, we won’t go into a full BSPF analysis (this is not practical for a code through).

1. Business Understanding

The business problem is that we can potentially derive more sales from our customers by recommending products they are likely to want. Often the customer goes to the store or visits the website for a specific reason, but for the organization this is a prime opportunity to increase sales by recommending products the customer may not be thinking about. These could be:

  1. Products similar people purchased (think Bill and Jeff both enjoy World of Warcraft so they might like the same computer gaming setup)

  2. Products that were purchased with similar items (think portable chargers for an Amazon Alexa)

  3. Products that were purchased in the recent past (think baby diapers, which, as a new father, I (Matt) am finding that babies go through FAST)

2. Data Understanding

One of the easiest ways to understand a market basket is by looking at how frequently items are purchased. We can use the count() function along with some calculations to understand which items are popular:

  • Percentage of total "pct"
  • Cumulative percentage of total "cumulative_pct
  • Popular product which we define somewhat arbitrarily as less than or equal to 50% cumulative percent
orders_combined_tbl <- order_products_train %>%
    left_join(orders) %>%
    left_join(products) %>%
    left_join(aisles) %>%
    left_join(departments) %>%
    select(eval_set, user_id,
           contains("order"), contains("product"),
           contains("aisle"), contains("department"), everything())

item_frequency_tbl <- orders_combined_tbl %>%
    count(product_name, product_id, aisle, department) %>%
    arrange(desc(n)) %>%
        pct = n / sum(n),
        cumulative_pct = cumsum(pct),
        popular_product = ifelse(cumulative_pct <= 0.5, "Yes", "No")
    ) %>%
    rowid_to_column(var = "rank") %>%
    mutate(label_text = str_glue("Rank: {rank}
                                 Product: {product_name}
                                 ProductID: {product_id}
                                 Aisle: {aisle}
                                 Department: {department}
                                 Count: {n}
                                 Pct: {scales::percent(pct)}
                                 Cumulative Pct: {scales::percent(cumulative_pct)}"))

item_frequency_tbl %>% select(product_name,n,pct,cumulative_pct, popular_product)
## # A tibble: 39,123 x 5
##    product_name               n     pct cumulative_pct popular_product
##    <chr>                  <int>   <dbl>          <dbl> <chr>          
##  1 Banana                 18726 0.0135          0.0135 Yes            
##  2 Bag of Organic Bananas 15480 0.0112          0.0247 Yes            
##  3 Organic Strawberries   10894 0.00787         0.0326 Yes            
##  4 Organic Baby Spinach    9784 0.00707         0.0396 Yes            
##  5 Large Lemon             8135 0.00588         0.0455 Yes            
##  6 Organic Avocado         7409 0.00535         0.0509 Yes            
##  7 Organic Hass Avocado    7293 0.00527         0.0561 Yes            
##  8 Strawberries            6494 0.00469         0.0608 Yes            
##  9 Limes                   6033 0.00436         0.0652 Yes            
## 10 Organic Raspberries     5546 0.00401         0.0692 Yes            
## # ... with 39,113 more rows

Which products are purchased most frequently?

We can see a few things from this table:

  1. The top item (1.35% of purchases) is Bananas
  2. There are almost 40K items, which is a lot to handle via a ratings matrix.

Let’s visualize to see what we are dealing with. We’ll use ggplot2 to help some of the interesting aspects of the market basket stand out.

  • We’ll set the size = n, which increases the size of the point based on how frequently it is purchased.
  • We’ll set the color = popular_product, which separates items in the top 50% of purchase frequency from items in the bottom 50%.
item_frequency_tbl %>%
    rowid_to_column() %>%
    ggplot(aes(rank, n)) +
    geom_point(aes(size = n, color = popular_product), alpha = 0.2) +
    theme_tq() +
    scale_color_tq() +
    theme(legend.direction = "vertical", 
          legend.position  = "right") +
    labs(title = "Item Frequency", 
         subtitle = "Top Items Account For Majority Of Purchases")

From the visualization, we immediately see that the data is highly skewed. The top 50% of purchases, sum(n), are derived from only 852 of the almost 40,000 items. This is less than 2.2% of the total products (items).

item_frequency_tbl %>%
    count(popular_product) %>%
    mutate(pct = n / sum(n))
## # A tibble: 2 x 3
##   popular_product     n    pct
##   <chr>           <int>  <dbl>
## 1 No              38271 0.978 
## 2 Yes               852 0.0218

Do Customers Purchase More Frequently

user_frequency_tbl <- orders_combined_tbl %>%
    distinct(user_id, order_id) %>%
    count(user_id) %>%
    arrange(desc(n)) %>%
        pct = n / sum(n),
        cumulative_pct = cumsum(pct),
        popular_customer = ifelse(cumulative_pct <= 0.5, "Yes", "No")
    ) %>%
    rowid_to_column(var = "rank") 

## # A tibble: 131,209 x 6
##     rank user_id     n        pct cumulative_pct popular_customer
##    <int>   <dbl> <int>      <dbl>          <dbl> <chr>           
##  1     1       1     1 0.00000762     0.00000762 Yes             
##  2     2       2     1 0.00000762     0.0000152  Yes             
##  3     3       5     1 0.00000762     0.0000229  Yes             
##  4     4       7     1 0.00000762     0.0000305  Yes             
##  5     5       8     1 0.00000762     0.0000381  Yes             
##  6     6       9     1 0.00000762     0.0000457  Yes             
##  7     7      10     1 0.00000762     0.0000533  Yes             
##  8     8      13     1 0.00000762     0.0000610  Yes             
##  9     9      14     1 0.00000762     0.0000686  Yes             
## 10    10      17     1 0.00000762     0.0000762  Yes             
## # ... with 131,199 more rows

Do Certain Customers Buy More Products?


n: Counting how many products are in their basket.

Looks like the first customer has 80 products.

user_item_frequency_tbl <- orders_combined_tbl %>%
    count(user_id) %>%
    arrange(desc(n)) %>%
        pct = n / sum(n),
        cumulative_pct = cumsum(pct),
        popular_customer = ifelse(cumulative_pct <= 0.5, "Yes", "No")
    ) %>%
    rowid_to_column(var = "rank") 

## # A tibble: 131,209 x 6
##     rank user_id     n       pct cumulative_pct popular_customer
##    <int>   <dbl> <int>     <dbl>          <dbl> <chr>           
##  1     1  149753    80 0.0000578      0.0000578 Yes             
##  2     2  197541    80 0.0000578      0.000116  Yes             
##  3     3   63458    77 0.0000556      0.000171  Yes             
##  4     4   83993    76 0.0000549      0.000226  Yes             
##  5     5  189951    76 0.0000549      0.000281  Yes             
##  6     6  169647    75 0.0000542      0.000335  Yes             
##  7     7   31611    74 0.0000534      0.000389  Yes             
##  8     8  104741    74 0.0000534      0.000442  Yes             
##  9     9   59321    72 0.0000520      0.000494  Yes             
## 10    10  181991    72 0.0000520      0.000546  Yes             
## # ... with 131,199 more rows
user_item_frequency_tbl %>%
    ggplot(aes(rank, n)) +
    geom_point(aes(size = n, color = popular_customer), alpha = 0.2) +
    theme_tq() +
    scale_color_tq() +
    theme(legend.direction = "vertical",
          legend.position  = "right") +
    labs(title = "User Frequency",
         subtitle = "Yes - Some Customers have larger baskets")

3. Data Preparation

We’ll need to create a ratings matrix, which has the purchase history formatted in a 2x2 matrix with rows being orders and columns being products. This format is often called a user-item matrix because users (e.g. customers or orders) tend to be on the rows and items (e.g. products) in the columns.

The ratings matrix can be extraordinarily sparse given we have 32M+ data points with 40K products. Further, many of these data points are not meaningful. We saw that the data is highly skewed, which indicates that the lowest frequency items can likely be discarded because these are by definition “unpopular”. We can plan our data preparation by:

  • Taking advantage of item popularity. A small proportion of the products are driving a large proportion of the purchase frequencies. By limiting to the top items, we can reduce the width of the ratings matrix making it much easier to handle without losing much.

  • Further reduce the height of the matrix through sampling. We can sample 20,000 orders to make the ratings matrix more manageable. Further, we can limit the market baskets to those with at least 3 popular items, which ensures similarities between multiple items.

First, let’s filter to only the products that are popular, meaning the top products that drive 50% of the purchases.

Large baskets

Users have the largest baskets

# Condense user-item / Transaction-Item Matrix for Evaluation
top_users_vec <- user_item_frequency_tbl %>%
    # Filter the rank less than 2500
    filter(rank < 2500) %>%  

market_basket_condensed_tbl <- top_products_basket_tbl %>%
    filter(user_id %in% top_users_vec) 

## # A tibble: 44,476 x 15
##    eval_set user_id order_id add_to_cart_ord~ reordered order_number order_dow
##    <chr>      <dbl>    <dbl>            <dbl>     <dbl>        <dbl>     <dbl>
##  1 train      56463       98                1         1           41         3
##  2 train      56463       98                4         1           41         3
##  3 train      56463       98                8         1           41         3
##  4 train      56463       98               13         1           41         3
##  5 train      56463       98               15         1           41         3
##  6 train      56463       98               16         1           41         3
##  7 train      56463       98               20         1           41         3
##  8 train      56463       98               21         1           41         3
##  9 train      56463       98               22         1           41         3
## 10 train      56463       98               25         1           41         3
## # ... with 44,466 more rows, and 8 more variables: order_hour_of_day <chr>,
## #   days_since_prior_order <dbl>, product_id <dbl>, product_name <chr>,
## #   aisle_id <dbl>, aisle <chr>, department_id <dbl>, department <chr>

Next, let’s sample 20,000 orders and then filter to those with baskets of at least 3 popular items. Note that it could take a while to filter first due to the aggregation step. The downside is that we end up with less than 20,000 total samples. If desired, we could increase the sample size further.

n_sample  <- 20000
min_items <- 3

sample_order_ids <- sample(unique(top_products_basket_tbl$order_id), size = n_sample)

top_products_sample_tbl <- top_products_basket_tbl %>%  
    select(order_id, product_name) %>% 
    # Sample orders
    filter(order_id %in% sample_order_ids) %>%
    # Filter using min_items
    group_by(order_id) %>%
    filter(n() >= min_items) %>%

## # A tibble: 108,681 x 2
##    order_id product_name                            
##       <dbl> <chr>                                   
##  1       96 Roasted Turkey                          
##  2       96 Organic Cucumber                        
##  3       96 Organic Grape Tomatoes                  
##  4       96 Organic Raspberries                     
##  5       96 Organic Whole Strawberries              
##  6       96 Organic Blueberries                     
##  7      349 Pure Irish Butter                       
##  8      349 Natural Chicken & Sage Breakfast Sausage
##  9      349 Uncured Hickory Smoked Sunday Bacon     
## 10      349 Large Alfresco Eggs                     
## # ... with 108,671 more rows

4. Market Basket Analysis

convert the sampled market baskets to a ratings matrix in the format that recommenderlab uses. The type of ratings matrix is a “binary rating matrix”, which consists of 0’s and 1’s indicating whether or not a product was purchased.

Data format(Binary Ratings Matrix)

user_item_tbl <- market_basket_condensed_tbl %>%
    select(user_id, product_name) %>%
    mutate(value = 1) %>%
    spread(product_name, value, fill = 0)

user_item_rlab <- user_item_tbl %>%
    select(-user_id) %>%
    as.matrix() %>%
    # Convert to binaryRatingsMatrix class used by recommenderlab

## 2498 x 846 rating matrix of class 'binaryRatingMatrix' with 44476 ratings.
# Relationship with association rules
user_item_rlab@data %>% summary()
## itemMatrix in sparse format with
##  2498 rows (elements/itemsets/transactions) and
##  846 columns (items) and a density of 0.02104568 
## most frequent items:
## Bag of Organic Bananas                 Banana   Organic Strawberries 
##                    747                    746                    667 
##   Organic Baby Spinach   Organic Hass Avocado                (Other) 
##                    479                    459                  41378 
## element (itemset/transaction) length distribution:
## sizes
##   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20 
##   3   9  22  34  40  38  57  73  90  78  91 103 104 120 130 118 115 109 112 118 
##  21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29  30  31  32  33  34  35  36  37  38  39  40 
## 126 112 109 106 108  96  61  45  36  37  22  16  12  12  17   5   6   2   1   2 
##  43  44  45 
##   1   1   1 
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##     1.0    12.0    18.0    17.8    23.0    45.0 
## includes extended item information - examples:
##                     labels
## 1 0% Greek Strained Yogurt
## 2          1% Low Fat Milk
## 3           1% Lowfat Milk
User-Items frequency
# Items frequency
itemFrequencyPlot(user_item_rlab@data, topN=30, type="absolute",
                  xlab = "Items", ylab = "Frequency",
                  col = "steelblue",
                  main = "Frequency Plot")

As a side note, a second type of ratings matrix, a “real rating matrix” consisting of actual user ratings (e.g. Netflix movie ratings on a 1 to 5 scale), is permitted. This format must be normalized, which can be done using the normalize() function. Because we are working with binary data, no normalization is necessary.

Association rules

Used to Identify Rules 1. Support - Probability of co-occurrence - P(Item 1 & Item 2) 2. Confidence Support / P(Item 2) 3. Lift Confidence / P(Item 1)

# Association Rules
model_ar <- recommenderlab::Recommender(
    data = user_item_rlab, 
    method = "AR", 
    param = list(supp = 0.01, conf = 0.10))

# Extract rule base
rules <- model_ar@model$rule_base
Rule base graph
sort(rules, by = "lift", decreasing = TRUE)[1:20] %>% inspect() 
##      lhs                             rhs                             support confidence   coverage     lift count
## [1]  {Sparkling Lemon Water}      => {Lime Sparkling Water}       0.01000801  0.3048780 0.03282626 7.184768    25
## [2]  {Lime Sparkling Water}       => {Sparkling Lemon Water}      0.01000801  0.2358491 0.04243395 7.184768    25
## [3]  {Orange Bell Pepper}         => {Yellow Bell Pepper}         0.01080865  0.1875000 0.05764612 6.004808    27
## [4]  {Yellow Bell Pepper}         => {Orange Bell Pepper}         0.01080865  0.3461538 0.03122498 6.004808    27
## [5]  {Organic Red Bell Pepper}    => {Organic Bell Pepper}        0.01321057  0.1650000 0.08006405 4.480109    33
## [6]  {Organic Bell Pepper}        => {Organic Red Bell Pepper}    0.01321057  0.3586957 0.03682946 4.480109    33
## [7]  {Lime Sparkling Water}       => {Sparkling Water Grapefruit} 0.01040833  0.2452830 0.04243395 4.254979    26
## [8]  {Sparkling Water Grapefruit} => {Lime Sparkling Water}       0.01040833  0.1805556 0.05764612 4.254979    26
## [9]  {Organic Lemon,                                                                                             
##       Organic Yellow Onion}       => {Organic Garlic}             0.01200961  0.5084746 0.02361890 4.150881    30
## [10] {Limes,                                                                                                     
##       Organic Garlic}             => {Organic Cilantro}           0.01361089  0.4096386 0.03322658 4.142822    34
## [11] {Organic Garlic,                                                                                            
##       Organic Red Bell Pepper}    => {Organic Yellow Onion}       0.01000801  0.4901961 0.02041633 4.122929    25
## [12] {Organic Cilantro,                                                                                          
##       Organic Yellow Onion}       => {Organic Garlic}             0.01120897  0.4912281 0.02281825 4.010091    28
## [13] {Organic Garlic,                                                                                            
##       Organic Hass Avocado}       => {Organic Lemon}              0.01321057  0.3707865 0.03562850 3.992348    33
## [14] {Organic Hass Avocado,                                                                                      
##       Organic Red Bell Pepper}    => {Organic Yellow Onion}       0.01080865  0.4736842 0.02281825 3.984051    27
## [15] {Organic Garlic,                                                                                            
##       Organic Raspberries}        => {Organic Lemon}              0.01240993  0.3690476 0.03362690 3.973625    31
## [16] {Bunched Cilantro,                                                                                          
##       Large Lemon}                => {Limes}                      0.01160929  0.6744186 0.01721377 3.881792    29
## [17] {Large Lemon,                                                                                               
##       Limes}                      => {Bunched Cilantro}           0.01160929  0.1768293 0.06565252 3.874733    29
## [18] {Organic Garlic,                                                                                            
##       Organic Lemon}              => {Organic Yellow Onion}       0.01200961  0.4477612 0.02682146 3.766018    30
## [19] {Bag of Organic Bananas,                                                                                    
##       Organic Garlic}             => {Organic Yellow Onion}       0.02522018  0.4405594 0.05724580 3.705446    63
## [20] {Bag of Organic Bananas,                                                                                    
##       Organic Carrot Bunch}       => {Organic Lemon}              0.01000801  0.3424658 0.02922338 3.687411    25
plot(rules, method = "graph")

plot(model_ar@model$rule_base, method = "graph", 

Product recommender

Scatterplot for Product recommender with lift confidence.

plotly_arules(rules, method = "scatterplot", 
              marker = list(opacity = .7, size = ~lift), 
              colors = c("blue", "green"))

User-based collaborative filtering

User-based collaborative filtering examines user similarity

model_ucbf <- recommenderlab::Recommender(
    data = user_item_rlab, 
    method = "UBCF", 
    param  = list(method = "Cosine", nn = 500))